Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Surge installation

The following provides sample specifications that can be used in a lightning surge suppressor installation contract for a multi-storey office building.

1.1 This document describes the tender specification requirement of lightning and surge protection system for essential and critical equipment installed as per design drawing. Heavy duty industrial grade type of lightning surge protection system is essential to prevent equipment from damage, degradation of components or parts as well as down time resulting from system disruption.  

1.2 In view of the above, the superintending officer / consultant shall fully ensure and authorize that the protection system offered, strictly comply or fulfill the technical specification requirement.

1.3 The tenderer shall be required to submit catalogue and a schedule for the lightning and surge suppressor system indicating the type of installed suppressor and location to the consultant for approval. The tenderer is also required to provide upon request warranty certificates from the manufacturer or distributor. The consultant shall reserve the right to inspect the lightning and surge suppressor system at site.


2.1 The supplier/local agent of the protection equipment shall be able to provide full technical and continuous engineering support in the event of any lightning/surge/power problems. As such it is mandatory that the local agent must have at least 10 years proven experience in the lightning and surge protection field or hold an agency/representation in lightning surge products for at least 10 years.

2.2 It also important that they must have qualified engineers, trained technician and appropriate laboratory to ensure that their products are compatibly matched with the power supply safety requirements, testing quality assurance certification and good & proven track record in tropical condition.


3.1 As part of contract requirements, the local authorized agent must provide pre and post local authorized warranty or certification. As such, only genuine products with a local authorized distributor will be considered and all products offered must be provided with country of origin certification for originality marking and minimum 5 years spare part support. A letter of support from the manufacturer shall be submitted.

3.2 A warranty certificate shall be obtained from the local authorized agent stating clearly a full 2 year warranty against in both materials and workmanship defect.

3.3 A service warranty shall available for service and maintenance based on 6 months duration after handling over upon requested.


4.1 All stages of equipment shall comply with the specifications. The suppressor units shall be tested in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C62.41, IEEE 587, VDE 0675, and IEC 61024-1/IEC 61312-1.

4.2 In meeting with Malaysia safety standards, the lightning surge protection devices shall also be tested by international laboratories that are recognized by the Electrical & Electronics Association of Malaysia and Energy Commission, JBEG.


5.1 Upon installation, the supplier/local agent shall be able to provide an on-site testing & commissioning to check the status of the installed suppressor units. The respective suppressor modules shall be checked using a dedicated suppressor tester where applicable, including visual inspection of suppressor type, location, etc...

5.2 In event of extreme lightning and surge discharges, a suppressor unit often sacrifices itself in protecting the equipment. An optional on-site warranty must be provided to monitor the condition of the suppressor units at regular intervals (not longer than 6 months). The respective suppressor modules shall be checked using a dedicated suppressor tester where applicable including visual inspection of the flag status.


 The protection system shall comprise of the following:-

6.1 Low Voltage (L.V.) System 

1. Lightning Horn Surge Suppressor (LHSS-MDB)
(Cat 1 protection at MSB/EMSB)

2. Fine Surge Suppressor - Duplex (FSS-D/AG)  
(Cat 2 protection at Genset AMF board)

3. Combined Lightning Surge Suppressor (CLSS)  
  (Cat 1&2 protection at Remote Building)

4. Fine Surge Suppressor (FSS-AG)
(Cat 2 protection at DB SSB)

5. Series Surge Suppressor (SSS)  
(Cat 3 protection at incoming power for Critical/Sensitive Equipments)

 6.2 Extra Low Voltage (E.L.V.) System

1. Telephony Surge Suppressor (TSS)
  (Cat 4 protection for Telephony cables)

2. CXSS – Coaxial Surge Suppressor
  (Cat 4 protection for MATV antenna cables)

3. DSS – Data-line Surge Suppressor
  (Cat 4 protection for data/signal line cables)

6.3 Reliability of Equipment System

The Lighting Surge Protection Equipment shall be able to operate continuously up to maximum voltage of 275V per phase suitable with local electricity supply voltage variation.

6.4 Experience and Track Record

The products / protection devices offered shall have a proven track record of implementation / installation in projects of similar nature. Domestic or commercial type of products are not acceptable for critical application projects.

6.5 Factory Acceptance Test

In the event of schedule Factory Acceptance Test, the Lightning Surge Protection Equipment shall be fully integrated during the test of overall L.V. or E.L.V. system.



7.1 The Lightning Horn Surge Suppressor (LHSS-MDB) shall be a heavy-duty electronic controlled surface arrester unit utilizing the arc chopping principle to limit and discharge lightning surges. 

7.2 The Lightning Horn Surge Suppressor (LHSS-MDB) unit shall be a single channel modular type mountable on standard DIN rails and of non-fusible elements capable of limiting surge voltages from indirect and direct lightning strikes and have a long service life.

7.3 The Lightning Horn Surge Suppressor (LHSS-MDB) unit shall be tested to withstand up to 50kA of 10/350us lightning waveform in accordance to latest revision of IEC 61024-1 and IEC 61312 standards.

7.4 The lightning gap unit (neutral to earth) shall also be tested to withstand up to 100kA of 10/350us lightning waveform and rated at 260V.

7.5 The LHSS-MDB unit shall conform to the following specifications:-

 1. Nominal rated voltage - 240V AC per phase
 2. Continuous rated voltage - 335V AC per phase
 3. Maximum lightning current (as per IEC):
 a. Phase Lightning suppressor  
  10/350us waveform - 50 kA per phase
 b. Net follow current
  self extinguishing at 400VAC - 50 kA
 4. Neutral - Earth Lightning gap
  10/350ms waveform - 100 kA
  5. Voltage limitation at Max. lightning
  current (50kA, 10/350ms) - < 900 V
  6. Rated voltage - Lightning Gap - up to 260V
  7. Response Time - < 1 us
  8. Surface discharge arrester - Electronic Arc 
  Chopping Gap 
 9. Connection - ‘3 + 1’ configuration  
  suitable for TT-system.
10. Suppressor fuse - Non-welding type
11. Lightning Surge Monitoring (Optional)
  a. Continuous line voltage monitoring - Yes
  b. 8 mode suppressor fuse monitoring - Yes
  c. Output signal for remote monitoring - Yes
  d. Audible alarm signal - Yes (Optional)



8.1 The Fine Surge Suppressor/Duplex (FSS-D/AG) unit shall be a rail mountable, modular two-piece construction type with base element and a protection plug suppressor suitable for protection of distribution boards and its loads. 

8.2 The protection plug shall be equipped with a flag to indicate the status of the components and a remote warning contact shall also be integrated in the suppressor unit to act as a remote warning switch in the event of suppressor failure. 

8.3 The Fine Surge Suppressor/Duplex (FSS-D/AG) unit shall be suitable for TT-system and configured to match installation option before and after Earth Fault device.

8.4 The FSS-D/AG unit shall conform to the following specifications:-
 1. Phase to Neutral Fine Suppressor
  a. Rated nominal voltage - 240V
  b. Continuous rated voltage - 275V
  c. Voltage limit at 5kA,8/20ms - < 1kV
  d. Voltage limit at 20kA,8/20ms - < 1.35kV
  e. Rated surge current - 40kA
  2. Neutral to Earth Fine Suppressor
  a. Rated voltage - 260V
  b. Voltage limit at 5kA,8/20ms - < 150V
  c. Voltage limit at 20kA,8/20ms - < 1kV
  d. Rated surge current - 40kA
  3. Phase to Phase Fine Suppressor
a. Rated voltage - 600V
b. Rated surge current - 30kA
4. Connection - ‘3 + 1’ configuration  
  suitable for TT-system
5. Suppressor fuse - Non-welding type
6. Suppressor Monitoring - 7 modules cum with 14
  mode remote signaling. 



9.1 The combined lightning surge suppressor (CLSS) shall consist of combined lightning and surge protection modules, which are fully coordinated via active energy control to provide maximum protection against lightning and surges at LV service entrances and remote power units.

9.2 The lightning element of the combined lightning surge suppressor (CLSS) unit shall be electronically controlled and of heavy duty and non-degradable construction. It shall be configured based on multistage protection elements and suitable for TT network.

9.3 The lightning element of the combined lightning surge suppressor (CLSS) unit shall be a single channel modular type mountable on standard DIN rails and of non-fusible elements capable of limiting surge voltages from indirect and direct lightning strikes and have a long service life.

9.4 The surge element unit shall be a rail mountable, modular two-piece construction type with base element and a protection plug suppressor. 

9.5 The surge protection plug shall be equipped with a flag to indicate the status of the components and a remote warning contact shall also be integrated in the suppressor unit to act as a remote warning switch in the event of suppressor failure. 

9.6 The CLSS unit shall be specified to provide sufficient protection level and it shall conform to the following specification.

1. Nominal rated voltage: - 240V AC
2. Total Lightning Current Exposure: - >200kA of 10/350 us wave
3. Surge Rating per phase - 40kA of 8/20 us wave
4. Lightning Gap Rating per phase - 100kA of 10/350 us wave
5. Protection level on 10/350us - <900V
6. Connection - ‘3 + 1’ configuration  
  suitable for TT-system
7. Suppressor fuse - Non-welding type
8. Surge Suppressor Monitoring - Individual double-mode remote signaling. 



10.1 The Fine Surge Suppressor (FSS-AG) unit shall be a rail mountable, modular two-piece construction type with base element and a protection plug suppressor suitable for protection of distribution boards and its loads. 

10.2 The protection plug shall be equipped with a flag to indicate the status of the components and a remote warning contact shall also be integrated in the suppressor unit to act as a remote warning switch in the event of suppressor failure. 

10.3 The Fine Surge Suppressor (FSS-AG) unit shall be suitable for TT-system and configured to match installation option before and after Earth Fault device.

10.4 The FSS-AG unit shall be specified to provide sufficient protection level and it shall conform to the following specification.
 1. Phase to Neutral Fine Suppressor
  a. Rated nominal voltage - 240V
  b. Continuous rated voltage - 275V
  b. Voltage limit at 5kA,8/20ms - < 1kV
  c. Voltage limit at 20kA,8/20ms - < 1.35kV
  d. Rated surge current - 40kA
  2. Neutral to Earth Fine Suppressor
  a. Rated voltage - 260V
  b. Voltage limit at 5kA,8/20ms - < 150V
  c. Voltage limit at 20kA,8/20ms - < 1kV
  d. Rated surge current - 40kA
3. Connection - ‘3 + 1’ configuration  
  suitable for TT-system
4. Suppressor fuse - Non-welding type
5. Suppressor monitoring - 4 modules cum with 8
  mode remote signaling
6. Intelligent remote signal/monitoring - Optional audio alarm & 
  over voltage limiter 
  disconnection signal.  


 Series Type Multistage Surge Suppression System 

11.1 The series suppressor shall employ the Transient Tracking Technology multistage and multi-level suppression system to provide full time protection of the incoming power to sensitive equipment.

11.2 The main stage of the series suppressor shall be operated in a series connection with transient tracking control technologies for intelligent tracking and suppression for transients, spikes and noise along the sine wave.
11.3 Instant absorption and suppression of the transients shall be provided by a combination system of reliable series and shunt surge absorption components utilizing the high energy transient tracking control module.

11.4 It shall also be equipped with an output stage for bi-directional protection against internally generated transient and with an overall lower let through voltages.

11.5 EMI and RFI noise rejection modules can be incorporated into the three phase series suppressor system for units above 100A as per specification requirements or drawings.

11.6 The Series Surge Suppressor (SSS) shall have a total withstand capability in accordance with ANSI/IEEE C62.41 and complying with the following specifications:-

 1. Response time - < 25 ns 
  2. Operating frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
  3. Surge Attenuation - 40 dB / 60 dB  
  4. Bandwidth protection - 10kHz – 50Mhz
  5. Surge exposure/ phase - 40kA, Maximum up to 140kA
  6. Surge suppression system - Multistage & multilevel series, 
  in-corporate Transient 
  Tracking Technology
  7. Performance - Bi-directional protection
  8. Manufacturing standards - AS 3000
  9. Construction - Metal clad or polycarbonate
  10.Overload safety protection - 5 x rated capacity for 1 sec.
  11.Temperature Range - -40 to 60 deg C
  12.Indicator Status - Yes
  13.Power Meter (Optional) - Yes
  14.Remote Monitoring Interphase - Yes
  15.Bypass Feature (Optional) - Yes

11.7 The series surge suppressor (SSS) shall be suitably configured to
ensure that it operates effective with upstream Level 1 and Level 2 systems. The supplier shall / may be required to provide documentation / tests to prove that the various levels of protection are properly matched and compatible.



12.1 The telephony surge suppressors (TSS) shall provide protection against line transients or over-voltages on all incoming STM as well as PABX incoming and outgoing extension lines as per specification drawing requirement. 

12.2 They shall be of plug-in modular to telephone MDF Krone system and these plug-in modules shall permit on site repair without rewiring required.

12.3 The TSS units shall able to handle surge withstand capability of up to 10 kA with arresting time of less than 1 hs matches with the equipment criteria to suit its applications, such as frequency, operating voltage, impedance etc. 

12.4 The TSS unit shall be complying with the following specification.

1. Protection pair - single pair protection per module
2. Maximum line voltage - 170 VDC
3. Protection level - 220 VDC tested at 5kA, 8/20us
4. Rated surge capacity - 10kA, 8/20us
5. Response time - <1 ns
6. Protection circuit - Multi stage MBB type
7. End of life - Short circuit


  - For MATV Antenna Receiver Application

13.1 The coaxial surge suppressor shall be designed to provide protection against over voltage during lightning and electrical transients in the coaxial cables for MATV antenna systems.

13.2 It shall be suitable for protection of antenna system without introducing a large insertion loss into the system.

13.3 The coaxial surge suppressor shall have a surge withstand capability of 10kA and be fully operational up to frequencies of at least maximum up to 300MHz. It shall incorporate a sleek design with a wide range of connectors for easy and quick installation.

13.4 The CXSS unit shall be complying with the following specification;

1. Rated surge capacity - 10 kA (8/20us)
2. Frequency Range - up to 300 MHz
3. Insertion Loss at 300 MHz - < 0.5 dB 
4. Insulation Resistance - > 1 GW
5. Residual Voltage - < 600 V (1kV/us)
 6. Impedance - up to 75 ohms
 7. Connection - suitable to equipment
 8. Construction - Solid state in die cast aluminum


- For data lines, control signal lines and communications circuits 

14.1 The DSS unit shall provide protection against line transients or over-voltages sensitive and critical datalines, control signal and communications circuit as specified in drawings. 

14.2 They shall be a series in-line protection type which shunt or parallel type of protectors are not acceptable. 

14.3 The DSS units shall able to handle surge withstand capability of up to 10 kA with arresting time of less than 1ns matches with the equipment criteria to suit its applications, such as frequency, operating voltage, impedance etc. 

14.4 The DSS units shall be of multi level protection designed and din-rail mounting construction and bi-directional protection system shall be provided as per design requirements.
14.5 The DSS units shall be complying with the following specification;

1. Rated surge capacity - 10 kA (8/20us)
2. Range of voltage - from 6 VDC to 170 VDC
3. Response time - < 1 ns
4. Maximum line current - up to 500mA
5. Construction - Din-rail mounted

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