Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mill lighting installation

The following lays lout some requirements for a palm oil mill lighting installation.

LIGHTING FITTINGS – include office, canteen, workshop and guardhouse

High-pressure sodium vapour lamps, high-pressure mercury vapour lamps, fluorescent lamps and incandescent bulkhead fittings shall be used for the general lighting within and outside the mill building. The Contractor shall submit copies of the brochures of the type and make of fittings to be supplied together with the tender documents.

For the main mill building 250W sodium vapour lamps and mercury vapour lamps are to be used for the general lighting. The 250W high pressure sodium vapour lamps shall be installed in the critical areas like the sterilizers, over the threshers, press platform and clarification station where there is a large amount of steam. These sodium vapour fittings shall be of the totally enclosed angle type fitting suitable for installation on the columns or walls of the building similar to Phillips type SNF 003 or equivalent. Where the fittings are to be installed on the outside wall of the building, these shall be of the weatherproof type suitable for tropical conditions.

In the other areas of the mill, 250W high pressure mercury vapour lamps similar to Phillip type HNT 003 or equivalent shall be installed on the columns or walls to provide the general lighting. These fittings shall be totally enclosed angle type suitable for tropical conditions c/w ballast and capacitor.

Some of the sodium vapour & mercury vapour lights within the mill and all the lights outside the mill shall be controlled by photocells and 10A switch at the individual subboards. These lights will automatically light up when it is dark.

Fluorescent fittings (2 x 36W) shall be installed under the platforms and over certain machinery to improve the general lighting in these areas.

Along the inclined empty bunch conveyor, the general lighting is to be provided by 60W incandescent bulkhead fittings installed on angle iron supports along the catwalk. The Contractor shall include the cost of the angle iron supports in the cost of the fittings.

Lighting for the Raw water treatment plant, effluent pump house and palm oil storage tank station shall be provided by 1 x 36W fluorescent lamp.

All fluorescent lamps supplied shall have a choke, starter and a capacitor housed within the fittings.

The light fittings for the compound lights shall be 250W high pressure Sodium vapour lamps similar to Phillips type SRC 511/250 installed on steel poles of not less than 8 meters in length. The steel poles shall have a diameter of not less than 150 mm at the base and shall taper to the top where the diameter of the top section shall not be less than 100 mm. The control gear of the light fitting shall be housed within a weatherproof compartment at the base of the pole. This compartment shall not be less than 500 mm from the ground. The choke, ignitor, capacitor and control fuse for each light fitting shall be installed within this compartment. Each pole shall be planted at a depth of not less than 1,500 mm deep.

The lighting around the fruit-loading ramp shall be provided by 400W high pressure sodium vapour lamps installed on 8 meter galvanized mild steel poles. These poles shall be suitably positioned to provide the best lighting and shall be positioned such that it is least liable to be damaged by the trucks. The lights shall be controlled from the lighting board (LDB-1) at the Sterilizer station by switches installed near the ramp.

The position of all light fittings shall be determined on site by the Engineer.

Copyright http://electricalinstallationblog.blogspot.com/ Mill lighting installation

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